Meredith Lyons, teacher of Transcendental Meditation

Merimbula Meditation is run by Meredith Lyons, a fully trained and qualified Teacher of Transcendental Meditation.

Meredith has been practising Transcendental Meditation since 1999.

In 2014 she graduated from the intensive 5 month long TM Teacher Training course at the Maharishi European Research University in the Netherlands.

Since then she has enjoyed teaching TM to a wide range of people, aged from 4 to 69, in two locations – Merimbula and Albury.

Meredith is an active and recognised TM Teacher under both wings of Australia’s presiding TM organisation, and participates in on-going professional development with colleagues in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Mornington Peninsula, Brisbane & Gold Coast, Adelaide & Southern Adelaide, Cairns, Hobart and Perth (click here to find  locations around Australia where you can learn TM).

Meredith is also on the Board of Directors of registered non-profit Transcendental Meditation for Women.