Where does TM come from?

The Transcendental Meditation technique has its origins in an ancient tradition of knowledge, the Vedic tradition. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi revived the complete knowledge and experience of transcending after it had been lost for centuries, even in India, the land of its origin. To maintain the technique’s effectiveness and to preserve the practice for future generations, it is taught in this systematic, standardized way by certified TM teachers world-wide.

For more information read Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Transcendental Meditation

Do the results depend on successful practice?

Of course results depend on the successful practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique. But, in this case, “successful” in most cases simply means “frequent”.

In terms of successful meditation, the rule for Transcendental Meditation is simple: anyone who can think a thought, can practice TM because the Transcendental Meditation process is as natural as the thought process.

Throughout the years, the idea has developed that it is difficult to correctly practice meditation and that not everyone should expect to be successful. This, however, is a misunderstanding of the nature of real meditation – that it requires some sort of focus, a forced state of the spirit in order to come to silence. Concentration is difficult, often uncomfortable, and requires a lot of discipline.

Transcendental Meditation is the opposite. The two most important words to describe the TM technique are “easy” and “natural”. That is why even children with ADHD, who can struggle to sit quietly with their eyes shut for 5 minutes, can easily and successfully practice the TM technique. Similarly people, who are very frightful, carry a lot of anxiety or are very stressed TM practice easy and pleasant, because the state of inner rest found during TM practice offers such great contrast to their daily lifestyle.

Good to know: For all the results of the scientific research that you can find on this site, what is shown is always the average value of a large group of “average” people. Some people will progress faster than average and others slower but the average value offers the most realistic basis of expectation. Regularity and innocence in the practice are the keys to progress.

There are so many “meditation” techniques out there, how is TM different?

How is Transcendental Meditation different?

The key feature of Transcendental Meditation is in the word “transcendental”. It is a technique that leads to the experience of transcending. Guiding people properly to that experience of transcending is a highly delicate process that requires requires very specific training.

The TM technique differs from other techniques in three important ways.
It is

Effortless. Unlike other techniques, the TM technique involves no concentration, contemplation or  control of the mind. It is effortless and enjoyable and can be practiced sitting comfortably in a chair;

Evidence-based. Over 380 peer reviewed studies on the TM technique have documented a wide range of wellness benefits, including reduced stress and anxiety and improved heart health and cognitive function; and

Standardised for effectiveness. Every certified TM teacher ensures consistent effectiveness in results by providing standardised instruction in TM. In other words, Transcendental Meditation is taught in exactly the same way around the world. This standardised nature of the TM technique is a key factor in facilitating quality research.

Several studies have compared the effectiveness of TM to other meditation techniques, on anxiety, blood pressure, addictions, self-actualisation etc., but each and every time the result was the same: the true experience of transcending is so much more profound than ordinary relaxation that there’s no comparison. (See TM compared with other meditation techniques).